Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Bird/Wildlife Photos and IDs from Amazonia

White-Eyed Parakeet

Yellow-Rumped Caciques and nests

Yellow-Billed Jacamar (female)

Rufous Potoo

Blue Dacnis

Red and Green Macaws

Opal-Rumped Tanager

Guianan Toucanet (female)

Black-Bellied Cuckoo

Guianan Cock-of-the Rock (male)

Guianan Cock-of-the Rock (female)

White-Crowned Manakin

Night Monkey

Sunning Green Kingfisher

Blue-Crowned Trogon

Black-Fronted Nunbird

Collard Puffbird (digiscoped by Sonia!)

Yellow-Chinned Spinetail

Black-Capped Donacobius

Smooth-Billed Ani

Tui Parakeets

Straight-Billed Woodcreeper

 Red and White Spinetail

Spotted Tody-Flycatcher

Black and White Antbird

Euler's Flycatcher

Brazilian Porcupine

Straight-Billed Woodcreeper

Dull-Capped Attila

Pied Puffbird

Red Howler Monkeys

Caica Parrot

Caica Parrot

 Guianan Puffbird

Guianan Toucanet (male)

Painted Tody-Flycatcher

Black-Necked Aracari

White-Necked Toucan

Pied Tamarin

Lineated Woodpecker

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